Accutane Journey & Tips: 5 years later

Accutane Journey

Accutane (also a drug called Isotretinoin) is usually used for people with stubborn and severe acne to reduce the growth of pimples and oil secretion. That was a short description of what it is mainly for. You can find more detailed description on what Accutane does to you and the side effects you might face here.

I took this pill under the prescription of a dermatologist in a pretty well-known clinic in Singapore. If you’re curious, you may email me to know who and where. Not listing out any names as I don’t want to be seen as advertising for them, hope you understand. Btw, the clinic I was at, called it Roaccutane. However, my dermatologist clarified with me and said that it’s the same as Accutane.

Anyway, I will be sharing my Accutane journey for anyone who’s interested.

How it first started

crying brb

Back then when I was just out of Secondary School, puberty hit its peak for me and so did my pimples. I started being very conscious of my face as what used to be pretty spotless became red and inflamed. I always had flushed cheeks due to the pimples and oily skin on my whole face.

It was really the worst time for me then because everyone seemed to look effortlessly flawless with their no makeup face. My confidence dropped even further when I went to a Polytechnic (age 17).

Being in a co-ed campus, everyone seemed to dress well and were just much better than me and my red cheeks. In the second year of Polytechnic, I told myself that I really wanted to get rid of these ugly acne scars and spots or I will never get a boyfriend lol. Even when someone in the opposite gender talked to me, I never got ahead of myself to think they could be interested in me because Hello Red Face. It wasn’t possible for me to even get into a relationship because of the insecurity I felt.

When it started to change

Eventually got the permission from my dad as he helped foot the bills at the clinic I went to. I was so glad to start a new ‘life’ with new skin. I imagined being much more confident when my skin was good.

(And I did. I actually don’t regret trying Accutane, but I definitely don’t recommend taking too much a week.)

For me, my dermatologist prescribed me antibiotics pills that I had to take for a week with the Accutane pills. My acne then was, I’d say about mild to severe acne, but my dermatologist suggested to take the pills only 3 times a week, one pill each time.

3 times a week became 2 times a week. And further into once every two weeks.

My pill dosage was the highest (I think it was 40mg), it was a red pill (for me). However, reducing the number of times I took gradually didn’t make things worse for me, it still helped a lot.

What I realised after one cycle (10-12 months)

5 things I noticed that happened while taking the medication, coupled with the clinic skincare products:

  1. Pimple occurrence reduced significantly
  2. Sebum production reduced, became from oily skin to a normal skin type
  3. Lips were slightly dry but not inconveniently dry
  4. Blackheads reduced significantly
  5. Did not have any severe side effects apart from dry lips

so happyI was amazed at this change in my skin. It was baby butt smooth. I loved my skin, I was so happy then. At the same time of reducing the number of pills I took a month, I began transitioning my skin to drugstore products that were not from the clinic. I did not want to rely on them as they were too expensive to keep up with every time I’m done with it.

After a little after one year, I stopped visiting the clinic. I believed that I could maintain my skin from now on because I had lesser breakouts. Even if I had, it was mostly hormonal breakouts before and during my period.

Having said that, one year after I stopped the pills altogether, pimples slowly started coming back again, though it was definitely mild acne. I can’t complain because the dermatologist said it’s possible that your pimples will come back again, just less serious. My skin type went back to being the oily type, except it was combination oily (U-zone – normal, T-zone – oily). Or maybe it just grew out of the oily type into the oily combi skin.

And it has been this way for 5 years. Isn’t it amazing how time pass? I was so much in despair about my skin, and now, 5 years has passed.

I don’t really feel that bad because my skin isn’t as good as during the accutane journey, but instead, I’m glad that I didn’t have to rely on it anymore.

There are some people, although not many, who have had to go back to accutane for another cycle because things did not get better. Therefore, you need to take that into account before you agree to take the accutane pills.

10 Important Tips

Anyway, before I end this post, I’ll give some tips if you’re thinking of taking this pill.


  1. Do use sunblock everyday even when you’re home as your skin will be more sensitive under the sun. Remove sunblock thoroughly to prevent clogged pores
  2. Listen to your dermatologist (whether you need to moisturise or whether your dose can be reduced, my dermatologist told me not to use any moisturiser during the cycle)
  3. Do not engage in unprotected sexual intercourse as this pill may cause birth defects
  4. You cannot be pregnant during the usage of this pill
  5. Tell your dermatologist about your health history and let her/him take a blood test to determine if you’re suitable for the pill
  6. Moisturise your lips whenever needed
  7. Report any problems (nosebleed, gastric, etc) to your dermatologist
  8. Best to take the pill after a meal to prevent abdominal pains
  9. The pill may cause slight weight gain
  10. Take this pill only if it’s really the only way out

That’s all for this post. Information may be inaccurate as it’s only based on my understanding and research. Let me know if I missed out anything or might have provided inaccurate information.

What are your thoughts on Accutane? Have you experienced any side effects?

With ????,

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Accutane Journey 5 years later

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