What to do when feeling unmotivated

What to do when feeling unmotivated Featured

Today, I just want to talk about being unmotivated.

In recent years, I feel like the world is slowly changing in a good way.

By changing, I mean that everyone is slowly accepting that ‘it’s okay not to be okay’, ‘it’s okay to be imperfect’ and that ‘it’s okay to make mistakes’.

Of course, those 3 sentences are similar to each other but today, I want to say that ‘it’s okay to be unmotivated even when you strive to do your best’.

I decided to do a post on this as I was trying to study earlier on and realised how lost I felt. It’s my fault since I didn’t really listen much in class. I always thought I could understand when I read the notes by myself.

However, when I decided to try the exam questions, they turn out to be opposite from what I’ve just read. That’s pretty common, I’m sure.

We learn 13 x 20 during classes but during the exam, the questions turn out something like (1324 x 465) + 8789. Lol.

Btw, the time this post is posted, my exams would have been over (and I would have graduated) but I just decided to talk about this while the feels are here. Hoping people like you, leave this blog feeling a little bit better.

So going back to it.

I came back home after school, determined to study a finance module. After a meal and a short rest to unwind, I began studying.

After reading for about 15 minutes, I came to a realisation that I was doomed if I do not figure this module out in a few months’ time as my exams begins in less than 4 months.

4 months may seem long to you, but for my University and for me, it was a critical period. My prelim exams start in a month plus and I’m still so lost.

I really wondered if I could pass this final year of Uni. At the moment of drafting this, it seems really tough.

After what felt like an hour, I went back to reading my notes, trying to absorb whatever I read so that I could stay on track.

Gradually, I lost a bit of motivation and kept getting distracted.

I picked up my phone so many times when I got distracted to find something to do with it.

Hey, I even started clearing my emails and junk mail. ???

I was just so unmotivated and in the mood for procrastination. I texted my boyfriend who was also attending a class in a different Uni at that time, complaining about how I was going to fail because I didn’t know how to do anything.

Whatever I set on doing today just went up in flames after I began trying. It may apply to you at school or even at work. But after awhile, I knew that it’s not the end.

What you cannot accomplish today, try to accomplish it better another time.

Today at class, I was bored to the extent that I decided to design my wallpaper for my iPhone, to stay motivated and determined later on when I studied.

Began searching for quotes and saw one that resonated to me:

‘Strive for progress, not perfection’.

Used Canva and started designing it.

Strive for Progress Not Perfection

Left some space above for my iPhone apps LOL. You could use it as your lock screen too!

Click and the image will open in a new tab.

You may use the wallpaper if you wish but do credit me instead of claiming it as your own if you do share it. And I say again, the quote doesn’t belong to me 🙂 I just liked how it sounded.

The image was taken from Pexels.com too.

This quote made me feel better after awhile when I was lost earlier on.

Since it was on my home screen, I inevitably read it and it felt nice to know that even though I didn’t manage to do a question, I progressed a little bit to find out what I didn’t know.

Previously, I didn’t even know what I didn’t know!

That in itself, is progress too.

So don’t beat yourself up too much when things don’t go your way. Instead, try to do even better next time. Of course, keep procrastinating that ‘next time’ and progress won’t happen.

Hope this post helped you or if you feel like someone is feeling a bit unmotivated, no harm sharing it with them too.

What are some of your ways to help yourself feel better? Do you have similar experiences? Let me know in the comments below!

With ????,

Signed by Layna

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4 Replies to “What to do when feeling unmotivated”

  1. I can relate to it. I have been feeling demotivated and depressed lately. My mental health has gone for a toss.

    1. Aww I hope you feel better soon! Please don’t lose hope! ❤️

  2. For me, it’s working full time at a pointless job that completely demotivates me 🙁 I’m still counting down the days I can have a decent life off the back of my writing! x

    1. I can totally relate. So hard to find the one job for us! ???? hopefully we get to do what we want in the future ????????

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